Sunday, April 29, 2012

Free American (*Purchase Required)

Haimen is now offering a new special. One free American to stare at with the purchase of a bus ticket to Shanghai. People literally changed seats so that they would be in a better spot to watch me the entire two hour bus ride to Shanghai.

By now I'm used to being the entertainment. In fact, I'm almost positive that some places that I frequent in the village, like Starbucks and a few other restaurants, are using me as a marketing tool…

If you stop by our restaurant, there's a good chance you might see a foreigner! Come to Starbucks for a coffee and a glimpse of an American girl reading a book!

Shanghai is different. I'm still a bit of a novelty here, but definitely not to the same degree. In Haimen, everybody stares and says hello. In Shanghai, it's basically just little kids that find me fascinating.

I'm not sure whether I love the anonymity or if I'm disappointed about temporarily losing my celebrity status.

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