Monday, April 2, 2012

A Walk in the Park.

Today I discovered a really wonderful park about a mile from my apartment. It's full of ponds and flowering trees and playgrounds full of adorable children swinging and flying kites. There are pagodas and benches to sit and relax. Sounds awesome right?

Kind of.

I sit down on a bench in the sun right next to a little pond full of fish and lily pads to read my kindle… and I'm immediately accosted by groups of people wanting to stare at me or take my picture or say "Hello" (because that's likely the only English word they know).

 I didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused. I finally decided on amused. I'll admit it is kind of ridiculous. I'm the only female foreigner in the village (as far as I know) and there I am in my big sunglasses, jeans, and flip-flops, looking very American, thinking I'm about to have a minute alone to read. During a national holiday. Yeah right. I sat there for about 30 minutes to oblige my fans and then decided on a nice little walk instead.

Oh the life of a celebrity.

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