Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Only in China...

… do you see a man in an expensive suit get out of a 7 series BMW carrying a live chicken.

… do you see a child riding on the back of a scooter doing homework while their mom weaves in and out of traffic.

… is it normal for your cab driver to pull into oncoming traffic to go around someone driving "slow".

… do random strangers want you to pose with them in their pictures.

… do you get seated in the middle of every restaurant you go to so the other patrons can stare at you as they eat. (This is especially true if there are multiple foreigners.)

… does the term personal space mean absolutely nothing.

… do you hear and see fireworks go off at all hours of the day for no reason whatsoever.

… do you see impeccably dressed women in heels and Chanel shades launch a snot rocket on the street.

… do you get served a tiny glass of hot water at every meal, regardless of the temperature outside.

… do you get excited when the pastry you just bought is actually filled with chocolate instead of red bean paste.

… does a cup of coffee cost more than a case of beer.

… do grown men and women say hello to you, then run away giggling when you say hello back.

… do you use Kleenex for table napkins, toilet paper, cleaning, wrapping food to go, etc.

… do you play eenie meenie miney moe at a restaurant, because they only have a Chinese menu and you've already committed by walking in the door and getting seated.

… do you see nothing wrong with standing on the center stripe in the middle of a 4 lane highway as cars and scooters zoom by at 50 mph.

… can you find just about any food on a stick.

… is being served dog when you go out to eat no longer your greatest culinary fear.

… do you see children with crotch-less pants peeing on the sidewalk.

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