Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hablas Español?

Last night I had a really good conversation with a Chinese man. Entirely in Spanish. Yes, Spanish. I was walking down the street to meet my friends and this random guy says "Hello" to me. The usual…


I say "hello" back, he asks me where I'm from, and if I speak Spanish.



He then launches into conversation in fluent Spanish. It turns out he lived in Chile for 5 years. I was impressed at how easily I was able to speak Spanish and how much I actually remembered from college. Maybe I was just in shock from the incongruity of speaking Spanish to a Chinese guy on the street of a tiny village in China, but the words just seemed to flow out. It turns out he owns the restaurant he was standing in front of and wants to trade English for Chinese lessons.


I walked away to meet my friends laughing to myself. Life is so strange.

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