Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rivers of People

The Bund

All of the travel guides that I have seen recommend not traveling during Chinese holidays. I now know why… because this is when all the people in China travel. And China has A LOT of people.


May 1st is basically Chinese Labor Day, so I was given a three day weekend (Sunday – Tuesday). I didn't have to work and neither did a billion of the other people that live here… and we all had the same idea; let's go somewhere fun!

Nanjing Lu at Night

I decided to take a trip to Shanghai for a change of pace from life in the village. I hadn't really been to Shanghai without an agenda thus far, so I thought it would be nice to get the chance to just wander around a bit and see the sights.

Famous Xiaolongbao. So delicious.

Yuyuan Gardens

Apple Store on Nanjing Lu.

If I hadn't been living in China for the past few months and consequently, somewhat used to life here, I would have been totally overwhelmed. It was crazy. The bus station was a zoo. Nanjing Road, a pedestrian only shopping street in the center of Shanghai, was standing room only. Just about everywhere I went was wall to wall people. When you wanted to walk down the street or take the subway, you were literally swept into a river of people. China is not a good place for claustrophobics.

Coffee is the lifeblood that fuels champions.

Even though the city was packed, I had an awesome time. I walked Peoples Square, Nanjing Lu and the Bund, visited the Old City and Yuyuan Gardens, hit up a few art museums and ate a plethora of delicious Chinese and Western food. And to top it all off, I stayed in a hotel with a comfy bed and water pressure in the shower!!!

Summary. Shanghai is awesome and don't travel in China during holidays unless you live here.

Bus Ticket To Shanghai

Nanjing Lu (before it got too crowded)

Yuyuan Gardens

Watch Ad... There are live sharks and sea turtles swimming around in there...

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