Saturday, May 12, 2012

Turtle Power!

I ran into a few of my students while grocery shopping today (read: buying liquor). They caught me just as I was loading the bottle of Captain Morgan and diet coke into my ninja turtle backpack.


"Hello! Julie!"


"Hey guys!"


"We are your students at Dongzhou Middle School!"


"I know! How are you?"


"I am fine thank you, and you?"


"I'm great! What are you doing?"


"Shopping. I must buy some soft drinks. What must you buy?"


"I'm buying soft drinks also."


"And strong wine! Goodbye"

"Bye! I'll see you at school!"




It's going to be all over school in a matter of days that I drink "strong wine" and shop at Auchon. Joy. The shopping habits of the foreigner are just way too interesting.

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