Thursday, May 17, 2012

Julie Johnson’s Series of Unfortunate Events.

Okay, so two things don't really qualify as a series, but the events were quite unfortunate.

Event One: The Cafeteria Fake-out.

Lunch in the cafeteria is always a gamble. You peer through a tiny window and point at something that you have no idea what it is and hope for something delicious. Or edible. I pointed to rice, tomatoes and eggs, some other celery like vegetable, and what I thought was pieces of beef in a brown sauce. Wrong. Very wrong. I mean really, really wrong.

As soon as it hit my mouth I knew I had made a serious error. The "meat" was basically cartilage over bone cleverly disguised by the sauce. Upon closer inspection there was still little bits of hair attached to the outside. My best guess as to what I gnawed on for a bit was pig's feet. I managed to spit it out discreetly as I gagged. Let's just say this event will probably put me off the cafeteria for the rest of the week.

Event Two: Groped in Dongzhou Park.

After my afternoon class, I was a bit hungry, as I did not eat much lunch. See event one. I headed for KFC, grabbed a spicy chicken sandwich and a coke, then took my food to the park to enjoy the last of the sunshine and beautiful weather. I ate my sandwich on a bench by the water and soaked up the sun. As usual, people came up to say hello and take pictures with me. No big deal.
So finally this older guy comes up to me. He speaks no English. I speak (basically) no Chinese. So after the usual convo – I'm an American English teacher, blah, blah, wo ting bu dong – this guy wasn't giving up trying to talk to me. So finally I stood up to say goodbye and this dude decides he wanted a picture with me. Sure. We get someone walking by to take a picture of us. To pose for the picture he proceeds to wrap his arm around my waist and slide his hand up to rest on my boob. Look closely at the picture - you can clearly see his hand is in dangerous territory.

I decided to write it off as an accident and proceed to try to leave again. Dude starts walking with me and tries to hold my hand. After a couple of firm NO's he got the hint and walked away but not before he threw in a butt squeeze for good measure.

Not the best day I've had here.

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