Monday, March 19, 2012

Green Beer in Shanghai.

This weekend I got the opportunity to go to Shanghai with my fellow village English Teachers to celebrate St. Patrick's day. Ironically, we all went except the Irish guy.

Shanghai is around a 2 hour bus ride from our village and it only costs around $7 USD. We left Saturday morning around 11… Our bus driver got a bit lost. The best I could understand was that there is some type of construction on the usual road and he didn't know the detour. We ended up on a dead end street in an impoverished residential area and the bus almost got stuck. We definitely hit a few poles trying to turn the bus around. Oops.
We finally made it to Shanghai and checked into our hotel around 2. We grabbed some dumplings on the street and headed off to the pub-crawl. It was crazy. The Pub Crawl Started around 3 pm at a bar called O'Malleys. It was flooded with expats of all ages, other foreign teachers, and college students studying abroad. There are 1 million expats in Shanghai and most of them were all at this pub-crawl.

I had a great time – drank some green beer, met some fun people, spoke English (and people understood me!), and got another chance to see a bit of Shanghai. I also surprisingly ran into an acquaintance of mine from college. In a city of 25 million people, I managed to see someone who went to a college with only 2,000 undergrad students. Crazy small world.

My jacket is still covered with green glitter and face paint…
My Fellow Village English Teachers Peter and Howie

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a weekend in Shanghai for a St. Pat's pub crawl was just what you needed!
