Monday, March 5, 2012

Cribs: China

Here's a little about where I am living. Basically, I'm living in a dorm. I'm on the 6th floor of a building at the school. There is no elevator (I'm gonna be in great shape by the end of the year!!!) I have my own room with a bed, desk, armoire, television, and private bathroom. There is a shared room for all the foreign teachers that has a washing machine and small kitchen area. Currently there are three other teachers living here—two American guys and one Irish guy, and there are rumors of another 60 year old lady from the USA coming to join us soon.

My room is clean and has heat and air-conditioning (yay!), but the rest of the school doesn't. My TV gets two fuzzy Chinese channels. The bathroom is small and… interesting.

Fun facts about bathrooms in China:

-  Even if the toilet is Western style, you can't flush toilet paper.
-  There's no water pressure on the 6th floor, so the water drips verrrrrryyyy slooooowwwllllllllyyy out of the showerhead. I have to fill up a plastic cup with water to rinse all the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair.
-  Shower stalls are unheard of… I have a drain in the middle of the floor, and I bought a mop/squeegee to clean up the floor after I shower.
-  Heat lamps help to keep you warm while you shower (in theory)

When I first moved in shower in my bathroom wasn't working. For the first three days I had to improvise showers using a plastic bowl thingy and water that I heated in my electric kettle.  Now that it's fixed, it's not much better.

I think I'm going to have to get creative in terms of personal hygiene this year.

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