Friday, July 6, 2012

Tongli in Pictures

Yesterday I spend the day wandering around Tongli, a ancient water village complete with canals, bridges, winding alleyways, and crumbling building with ancient white washed walls.  It is a very small town, so it is possible to walk all around the village in a day, which was a nice change of pace from sprawling Suzhou. 

It is absolutely adorable and a great place to experience traditional Chinese culture. This is the most “Chinese” city I’ve visited. There are only about 30,000 people here so I got a fair bit of attention as the token white girl.

It is also a fantastic place for photographers. There were people all over with their Nikkon 1093949 SLR Super Cameras… and then there was me walking around snapping pics with my iPhone. 

But hey, thanks to technology, anyone with an iPhone and the Instagram app is an instant pro. I think my pictures are pretty legit looking.

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