Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fasten Your Seatbelt!

The bus ride from Tongli to Shanghai is not a long one, but it was interesting.

If you’re afraid of flying, you’ve probably heard that saying, “Look at the flight attendants, if they look scared, then it’s time to panic.” So when you hit some turbulence, if the flight attendants are still serving drinks, it's no big deal...

Which really is decent advice. When in an unfamiliar situation, look to someone who is familiar with what is happening, and imitate them.

So when you’re on a bus in China, and everyone around you starts fastening seatbelts that you didn’t know existed, you begin to feel a bit uneasy.

Buses have been my primary form of transportation up until this point and I’ve never seen ANYONE with a seatbelt. Until now.

The moment of panic turned out to be unnecessary. 

It was actually one of the smoother bus rides I’ve had in China. Granted, the driver would probably give Dale Earnhardt Jr. a run for his money (even in the bus), but he was in total control of the vehicle. Or so I keep telling myself.

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