Thursday, July 19, 2012

Backpacking in Gucci

It was pointed out to me by a fellow back-packer today that I’m a creature of beguiling contradictions. His words, not mine. The hostel that I’m staying in costs 35Y per night to stay in a 10 bed dorm. That is about $5.50 USD. I just walked into the hostel carrying a Grande Mocha Coconut Frappuccino from Starbucks that cost 33Y.

Side note: I’m actually a Starbucks China Rewards Card gold level member, but that’s neither here nor there. The thing about Starbucks is, well, I need it to live… It’s all about priorities. Also, I’m not the only crazy Starbucks groupie. The other day I met a teacher who was about to head back to the United States. His suitcase was full of Starbucks mugs from every city he visited in China... Literally a 90% Starbucks mugs to 10% clothing ratio.

The irony of backpacking around China wearing Seven jeans and Gucci sunglasses is not lost on me, but I find that there are a lot of advantages to staying in $5 per night hostels.

As a general rule, hostels are:

-       Cheap! Also, rooms are generally nicer and cleaner than at budget hotels. This means more money for sightseeing. And Mocha Coconut Frappuccinos.
-       Designed for backpackers. They have all the things you need when you are on the road for a long period of time. Laundry facilities, tour desks, a bar!, a common area to meet fellow travelers, all at a very low price, in an awesome location
-       Lively. Hostels have atmosphere appealing to individuals. Hotels are for families, groups, and business people. Hostels are ideal for people traveling alone. While it’s possible to make friends to travel with while staying at a hotel, you generally don’t have to try as hard at a hostel.

That being said, I’m definitely not opposed to the “Ritz Carlton” tour of the world. (Honestly, I’d almost certainly prefer it…) In fact, if you’re willing to fund my research comparing youth hostels to five star hotels in cities around the globe, please contact me immediately. I’m particularly interested in researching beach front resorts.

But overall, the $5 hostel tour of China isn’t too bad.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying your journey!

    I'm also pleased to know that no one has harvested your organs or burned your eyes out! Bad joke, I know, I couldn't help myself!

    Safe travels. I enjoy watching you document this chapter in your life.

    Can you post some pix of the hostel?

