Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Suzhou in Photos

The past few days, I've been exploring Suzhou. Before I cam here, I heard mixed reviews about the city. Every single Chinese person I know thinks Suzhou is amazing. The majority of the foreigners were not impressed. 

My conclusion; it's worth a visit, but not a long one.

The gardens were beautiful, but if you've seen one garden, you've pretty much seen them all.  I enjoyed the Garden of the Master of the Nets, but by the time I got to the Humble Administrator's Garden, I'd seen enough foliage, and was beginning to regret the 50 RNB admission cost. 

The Suzhou Museum was also nice; designed by I.M. Pei (the dude who did the glass pyramid thingys at the Louvre), free to visit, and air-conditioned!

My favorite thing in Suzhou was Pingjiang Lu, the street that my hostel was situated on. It's an idyllic stone road, surrounded by canals, bridges, and crumbling old world China architecture. Oh and cute cafés.

I've included a few pics so you can see what I saw!

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