Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wow! That’s an Awesome Subaru!

Wow! That's an Awesome Subaru! When's the last time you heard somebody exclaim that without sarcasm? The answer you're looking for is "never."


Now let me be clear, (he-he), I have nothing against Subarus. I'll even go as far as saying that they seem like a fairly cool car… However, in no universe is the Subaru on the same level as a BMW, Mercedes, or Maserati. Except perhaps in China?


I was walking down the road and I had to do a double take at the luxury car display that was set up for Dragon Boat Festival; directly between the BMW exhibit and the Mercedes exhibit sat a lovely trio of hatchback Subarus. Z4. 6 Series Convertible. X5. 7 Series. S Class Convertible. Maserati GranTurismo. Subaru Forester?


Ummm… okay.


Upon further examination, it turns out that a hatchback Subaru costs roughly as much as a 5 series BMW does in China. And that's significantly more than it costs in the good old US of A.


Is the Subaru the next luxury brand car? Is this some bizarre import tax and brand positioning gone awry? Have I been abducted and transported to some bizarre alternate dimension? Perhaps I am just living in a village in China where bizarre and unexplainable things happen every day for no apparent reason....

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