Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hong Kong in Pictures

Hong Kong has an energy. The moment you step off the plane, you can literally feel the city.

This past week, I took a break from the village to visit some friends in Hong Kong, do some shopping, and eat some great food.

Hong Kong has everything. Great food, enormous shopping malls, rooftop bars overlooking the harbor, and warm, sunny weather.

If you're hungry, you can find delicious Indian food, Thai food, American food, Italian food, Japanese food, Dim Sum, food from every region of China, diet coke with a real lime, street food, Michelin star restaurants, and everything in between.

If you're thirsty, take the elevator up to the 30th floor of just about any building along the water and sip a glass of wine while you watch as every building on the harbor is lit up in a neon symphony of lights each night around 8 pm. (Plus, if you're at a bar, you miss the cheesy music that accompanies the lights. The guy who thought of the light show = genius. The person who picked the music that plays in the harbor during the show = not so much.)
If you feel the urge to shop you can swing by a market to do some bargaining on some cheap souvenirs or you can take a stroll down the Golden mile and spend all your cash (and max out your credit cards) at Chanel, Gucci, and Prada. Not to mention the hundreds of mega shopping malls scattered about the city.
When the city gets too much for you, hop a bus out to Stanley and chill out at a café along the water or walk the promenade along the beach.

If that's not enough to convince you of Hong Kong's awesomeness, the city is also home to a fair amount of westerners, most with adorable British accents. J

It's a lovely place. Without a doubt the most fantastic place I've ever visited. I think I'm going to try to find a job there.

Here are a few pictures from my week.

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