Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Daily Brush With Death

Every time I leave my apartment here in the village I am risking my life. If you’re confused, see my previous blogs on the traffic and driving here. My brush with death today came in the form of a scooter/bicycle collision only inches in front of me.

As I walked out of the school gates, I took the usual precautions. Look left. Look right. Look diagonally. Look up. Pray. Repeat. As I saw no traffic, I stepped bravely onto the sidewalk. The Chinese dude on the bike leaving the store next to me obviously didn’t see the scooter either.

BAM! Homeboy on a scooter materializes out of thin air and t-bones the guy on the bike, who goes flying a good couple feet.

I watch in abject horror as the driver of the scooter begins to yell at the biker. Which makes total sense of course; we were all on the sidewalk… Clearly a scooter has the right of way. And not the part of the sidewalk here that people use for parking where the culpable party could be debatable. Sidewalk that you have to go up 3 stairs to walk on. Which means that this guy had to make a concerted effort to get his scooter up there.

Thankfully everyone was okay. But it scared the hell out of me. And I was definitely awake before I had my coffee.

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