Monday, February 20, 2012

Release the PIECAKEN!

So this post has nothing to do with me moving to China at all. (Except maybe to emphasize the fact that I’m a little bit insane and thus totally willing to move to a country where I don’t speak the language.)

Today I baked a Piecaken. What is a Piecaken? Basically, it’s a pie inside of a cake.

Jeff and I made two: cherry pie in chocolate cake and blueberry pie inside vanilla cake. They were both delicious. And thus I must share the recipe with the world.

1.    Run 10 miles.
2.    Bake a pie.
3.    Make some cake batter.
4.    Spray a spring form pan with PAM, then pour in about a third of the batter.
5.    Put the pie into the cake.
6.    Cover with the remaining cake batter and bake.
7.    Dance around your kitchen anxiously anticipating the moment your Piecaken will be done. It will take a bit longer to bake than the cake recipe suggests. The Piecaken is HUGE. And weighs about ten pounds.
8.    Let your Piecaken cool and then frost that baby.
9.    Run 10 more miles. Seriously. Unless you want diabetes.
10. RELEASE THE PIECAKEN!!! Serve and enjoy the reactions of your guests as they try to dissect the grotesque beauty of this bizarre dessert.

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