Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Most Interesting Blog in the World.

I don’t always write blogs, but when I do they tend to be random and sarcastic. So prepare yourself. If you read my blog, your IQ will rise by 50 points, you’ll lose weight, and your wildest dreams will come true.

But seriously, I am about to embark on one heck of an adventure: I am moving to Haimen, Jiangsu, China (just north of Shanghai) to teach English to Middle School students at the Haimen Dongzhou Middle School.

I have very little teaching experience, I have never been to Mainland China, and I don’t speak the language (but I do have Rosetta Stone). I am absolutely ecstatic about beginning this next chapter of my life.

This blog will be my canvas for documenting my journey of new experiences and sharing my ridiculous photos. My posts will probably range from random and hilarious anecdotes of my stupidity to witty and insightful observations of things that are happening around me in a society with profound cultural, economic, and political differences from the good old US of A.

I welcome comments, concerns, questions, as well as creeping on my blog and photos without comment. I hope that you find amusement and joy in following along with me.

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you Julie!!! Can't wait to be reading all about your adventures. You're writing is very witty and we're enjoying it already. The Piecaken looked delish, but I'm not willing to run the 20 miles to have it!!!!! Let the adventures begin!
    Lori & Mike W.
