Friday, November 16, 2012

I'm Thankful

This week, I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving from China.  And living in China makes you thankful for all kinds of things that you tend to take for granted as an American.

I'm so thankful to be an American.

I just got done doing some shopping for the mini-Thanksgiving feast that some of the village Americans will be having. (Thanks mom & dad for mailing me some stove-top stuffing and a few packs of gravy!) It’s looking like we are going to have chicken instead of turkey, but hey, when in China... So anyways, while I was shopping, I was thinking about all the things that I have to be thankful for, and I thought I’d share that with you.

I’m thankful…

for my family and friends and dogs.
for western toilets.
for the ability to flush toilet paper.
for food without bones in it.
for variety.
for the opportunity to choose my major in college.
for the freedom to speak my mind.
for the opportunity to live in China. 
for the freedom to attend Church.
for Starbucks.
for the ability to drink water out of the tap without boiling it.
for showers with water pressure.
for the ability to freely access Facebook, YouTube, etc.
for comfortable mattresses.
for traffic laws that are enforced.
for American food.
for the completely awesome experiences I've had this year.
for the ability to afford to eat at a restaurant and own more than two outfits.

Yeah, it can be easy to bash America… because society as a whole is pretty much insane (think “Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore”)… But for as many things as we are doing wrong, there are a lot of things that we are doing right.

We are so freaking blessed to be born in America.

So celebrate.
Post a message on Facebook.
Watch a video on YouTube.
Praise Jesus. 
Take a nap in your bed that has a comfortable mattress.
Flush your toilet paper.
Be thankful.

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