Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Spice Girls Concert

Have you ever done that thing where you forget that you have your iPod in and other people can hear you so you sing out loud and embarrass yourself?


I did that today. (Actually I do that a lot). And while I very much enjoy singing, I do not have a particular talent for it.  Tone-deaf is the word you're looking for.


Have I also mentioned that people here stare at me when I walk down the street? Singing aloud in English really doesn't help me blend on the streets of the village.




So I'm walking down the street singing 2 Become 1 by the Spice Girls and I'm overheard by a group of students. Great!


"Julie! You sing beautiful! What a lovely song!" "Yes! So beautiful! Like you!" "Please sing a song in class!"


Apparently I'm unable to resist the pleading of adorable Chinese teenagers who worship me.

And that's the story of how I ended up singing Spice Girls a cappella in front of fifty students.

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